Thursday, May 3, 2012

We have only been here a week but I already feel like I have gotten to see so many cool things! We had our first "field trip" this past Monday and got to travel around to different lookout points to kind of orient us to the City of Jerusalem from a distance. Our religion professors are the ones that kind of lead the field trips, and it just amazes me how much they know about the bible. It's like they have dedicated their whole life to studying the gospel or something :p. In short, I have had amazing experiences so far and I am looking forward to more! I get to live here for the next three months! Here is just a sampling of the places that I seen thus far.

Group walking all the walls around the city

Me with the Old City in the background

Little door

The Augusta Victoria Tower and Church of the Ascensions. We sang "All Creatures of our God and King" in here and it was BEAUTIFUL! 

At the Cenotaph of Samuel. This place overlooked Gibeah...a city in the Bible that I didn't even know existed until now! 

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