Sunday, June 17, 2012

Best Parents Ever

Since I am too far away to do anything for my dad this Father's Day, I figure that this meager blog post will have to suffice as my gift to him. So dad this post is dedicated to you! BUT... I am also going to dedicate it to mom as well because I missed my Mother's Day blog post because I was in Turkey. So really I am going to invent my own holiday here and call it Parent Day (although it already exists apparently on the 4th Sunday of July...but who really celebrates it? I am still taking credit for inventing it). Anyways...there are so many things that I could say about my parents, but to avoid being to long and boring I will condense it to just a few lines of what I love about both of them.

Mom - I can't even describe in words the impact that you have had on my life, and the impact that you continue to have! All I can say is you are one of a kind, and everyone who knows you would agree. I don't know anyone with a more dedicated and caring attitude. I hope I can be even just half the mom that you are one day!

Dad - Thanks for always being the person that I could come to with any problem. You always help me to put things into perspective and help me remember that things will work out for the best. You are the kindest, most gentle, and most patient person I know. You have always told me that I need to find someone with a good heart, so if I can find someone just like you then I think I will have accomplished that!

Thanks for being the best parents ever! I feel SO lucky/blessed to have been born into your family. So much so that I feel bad for all those people who didn't have you guys for offense to anyone else. But thanks for everything mom and dad. I LOVE YOU!

I just love them.

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